Department of Computer Sciences

Profile of the Acting Head

Mrs. Oweimieotu Enaodona Amanda is a Lecturer in the Mathematical Sciences’ Department in Edwin Clark University, Kiagbodo, Delta State of Nigeria. She received a Master of Computer Science degree in 2013 from Liverpool Hope University in Liverpool, United Kingdom, and currently doing an M.Phil. in Computer Science at the Delta State University Abraka, Delta State, that will culminate into a Ph.D. She continues to ensure that her students stand out by creating a sound learning atmosphere. She is dedicated to teaching and research. Her research interests are in IoT, Robotics and Bioinformatics.

About Department of Mathematical Sciences

Brief History of the Department                                                     

The Department of Mathematical Sciences is one of the four foundation Departments of the Faculty of Science approved by the National Universities Commission (NUC) to undertake normal academic activities in May 2015.

Vision of the Department

The vision of the Department is to provide an innovative and supportive academic environment that will encourage students to become accurate, efficient, and flexible problem solvers in a fluid and dynamic world occasioned by the rapidly changing technological advances

Mission of the Department

It is our belief that the rapidly changing technological advances have created a fluid and dynamic world for this generation of students. We can no longer predict and plan for the problems these students will need to solve when entering the workforce. Therefore, we must make sure that our students have the core knowledge, and the skills to apply that core knowledge, to a variety of situations that are known and unknown to us at this time. The mission of the Department is to provide knowledge and skills that will encourage students to:

  1. Attend to problems and persevere in solving them.
  2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
  4. Model real-life problems with mathematics.
  5. Use appropriate tools effectively and strategically.
  6. Attend to precision.
  7. Look for and make use of structure.

Philosophy of the Department

The philosophy of the Department is to produce students with practical knowledge, skills and attributes of Computer Science and Mathematics to solve complex challenges in the development of ICT for national development and the immediate communities, the Niger Delta in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Programmes in the Department

The Department is composite in nature, comprising two units running Programmes in Computer Science and Mathematics. The Computer Science and Mathematics Programmes provide basic training to the award of B.Sc. in Computer Science and Mathematics, respectively.

Objectives of the Department

The main objectives of the Department are to:

  1. Provide students with a broad and balanced foundation of Mathematical knowledge and practical skills
  2. Develop in students the ability to apply knowledge and skills to solving theoretical and practical problems in Computer Science/Mathematics.
  3. Develop in students a range of transferable skills that are of value in Computer Science/ Mathematics and non-Mathematics employment.
  4. Provide students with knowledge and skills base from which they can proceed to further studies in specialized areas of Computer Science/Mathematics or multi-disciplinary areas.
  5. Provide through training and orientation, an appreciation of the salutary rewards of inter and multi-disciplinary approach to solutions of life problems.
  6. Generate in students an appreciation of the importance of Computer Science or Mathematics in industrial, economic, environmental, technological and social development.
  7. In still in students a sense of enthusiasm for Computer Science/Mathematics, an appreciation of its application in different contexts and to involve them in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying.

Vision of the Computer Science Programme

Computer science permeates all modern endeavors in academia, government and industry, and its role will continue to grow. Through education and research, the Department of Computer Science will be recognized universally as a promoter of the centrality of computing in society.

Mission of the Computer Science Programme

  • Provide quality undergraduate education in both the theoretical and applied foundations of computer science and train students to effectively apply this education to solve real-world problems thus amplifying their potential for lifelong high-quality careers and give them a competitive advantage in the ever-changing and challenging global work environment of the 21st century
  • Advance theoretical, experimental, and applied computer science through nationally and internationally recognized research by faculty and students
  • Conduct research to advance the state of the art in computer science and integrate  research results and innovations into other scientific disciplines
  • Provide computer science education and training to students in other departments at the Edwin Clark University, and
  • Provide computer science expertise to the people of the Niger-Delta and the nation.

Vision of the Mathematics Programme

The Department’s vision is to create an integrated teaching and research environment that responds swiftly to the challenges of the 21st century technological advances. Strengthening multidisciplinary connections between areas will provide the foundations that underlie scientific principles and help prepare students to function and flourish in an increasingly technological society.​

Mission of the Mathematics Programme

  • To provide robust academic environment where students can develop thorough the understanding of and appreciation for the mathematical and statistical sciences.
  • To empower students through the mastery of core content and the ability to apply their knowledge.
  • To provide quality instruction that builds a rigorous and comprehensive foundation for students.
  • To maintain a strong undergraduate curriculum that provides a broad spectrum of courses in Pure, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, in order to support students fulfilling their quantitative literacy component of their Undergraduate Education. 

  • To build an environment that supports research in Pure, Applied mathematics and Statistics by facilitating and promoting the scholarly activities of its faculty and students.
  • To equip the students with tools necessary to fully participate in a technological society and a competitive global environment.
  • Contributing to the advancement of Mathematics, Statistics and Mathematics Education through quality research;
  • Serving as a resource of Mathematical and Statistical knowledge and pedagogy for the University and community.