Department of Microbiology

Dr. Peter Oburein Abayomi Uaboi-Egbenni is a bacteriologist, environmental, industrial and petroleum microbiologist, expert on effect of microbial infection on early childhood, molecular microbiologist and bioinformatics. He had lectured in Yaba College of Technology for 34years, He was HOD for two terms (8years) and Director of SERVICOM for Two terms (4years). He was the Chairman of sport Committee for Yaba College of Technology for 8 years during which period the institution won Nigeria Polytechnic Games (NIPOGA) thrice. He was appointed an Associate Professor in 2017 ( At Lead University, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria), stayed briefly with the University but on noticing they were paying less than what he was receiving at Yaba College of Technology, he resigned and went back to his former employer. While at Venda he was actively involved in the MALED project, funded by Belinda and Gate foundation. The project was executed in seven countries all over the world, South Africa inclusive during the HIV pandemic era. The reports are all published in the MALED Website. The research was designed to determine the effect of early childhood infections on the cognitive development of under 2years infants. During his Doctoral studies at the university of Venda, Limpopo Province, South Africa, he lectured both the Honours and Master degree students and also supervised their research projects and graduated them. He has published several articles in both local and international peer-reviewed journals. Two academic Textbooks has been published namely“Basic Microbiology and Cell Biology” which are currently on sale in Polytechnics and universities inclusive, in Nigeria. His name is mentioned severally in Scopus, Academia, Research Gate and several other academic bodies in the world. His research and teaching areas had centered on environmental, petroleum, medical microbiology, bacteriology, industrial, child health, molecular microbiology and bioinformatics.
The Department is made up of two main units: Microbiology and Biology. The Department is known for its active research and has produced in this University, graduates at the B.Sc. level since its inception. It is hoped that in the not too distant future, when postgraduate students are admitted into the Department, we will start to dole out M.Sc. Ph.D. graduates. But then adequate supply of electricity, water and state of the art equipment must be supplied to make the department meet its setout goals and objectives. Since its inception in 2015/2016 as a Department under the Faculty of Science, the Department has been graduating students with proven character and learning and are holding their own and competing well with graduates from other universities both private and public. Recently, the students’ admission into the Department has soared and it hoped this will continue in the years ahead. It is also important to note that such surge in student admission must also have a compensatory increase in staff. I am appealing to management that when staff are appointed into the Department especially teaching either microbiology courses or biology courses, their first degree should be either in microbiology or biology. As the sitting HOD I will not allow any staff who don’t have their first degrees in either microbiology or biology to teach these core courses and supervise them in projects in these core areas.
The Department offers a very robust and forward-looking programme in the general and applied areas of Microbiology and Biology to prepare its graduates for their important role in the advancement of life. The core courses are designed to give students wide exposure in the main areas, which include Medical, Industrial/Food and Environmental Microbiology, parasitology, environmental toxicology including Climate Change studies. The students undergo industrial attachment during their third year of study, which affords them practical experience in diagnostic techniques and other microbiological processes in hospitals and industries.
Vision Statement
As the pioneer Department of Biological Sciences in the Faculty of Science, Edwin Clark, University, the Department plan to be at the forefront of teaching and learning, research and development, knowledge creation and dissemination in the field of Microbiology and Biology. We believe that education should integrate character molding and in-depth knowledge of subject area backed by sound practical experience, in order to produce world class microbiologists and Biologists who are poised to embrace the challenges and meet the needs of the society.
As the pioneer Department of Biological sciences in the Faculty of Science, the Department of Biological Sciences, of Edwin Clark University of Nigeria, kiagbodo, Delta State, is planned to be at the forefront of teaching and learning, research and development, knowledge creation and dissemination in the field of Microbiology and Biology. We believe that education should integrate character molding andin-depth knowledge of subject area backed by sound practical experience, in order to produce world class microbiologists and Biologist who are poised to embrace the challenges and meet the needs of the society.
Uniqueness of the department of Biological Science
Given the opportunity, the Department can provide services for oil companies in the Niger Delta and beyond in
- Environmental monitoring to ascertain pollution of the environment from accidental oil spillage, using 1st and 2nd order response of pollution control
- Perform baseline studies for these companies on new oil wells
- As well as post-impact studies on existing facilities.
- Using microbial knowledge to prospect of new oil and gas wells.
Secondly, in the area of production of microbial inocula for industrial uses. The Department can also perform creditably well in this area.
Thirdly, the Department can a,lso be involved in yoghurt and cheese production as we are endowed with capable hands that can be these a reality.
There are several other possibilities which space will not allow me to enumerate here. All said, all these require constancy in power supply, equipment and a strong backing of management to be realized.
The programme is designed to:
- To give students a sound exposure to the theory and practice of Microbiology and Biology.
- To equip students with adequate research techniques to enable them function as lecturers in universities and other tertiary institutions, research officers and consultants in the many fields of application of Microbiology and Biology.
- To equip students with adequate practical knowledge and hands-on experience to enable them become self-reliant as producers of many analytical, food and industrial products from microbial activities.
- To produce world class microbiologists and Biologists who can compete with their counterparts the world over and fit into advanced programmes within the country and outside it.
It is hoped that in not too distant future the Department will offer, in conjunction with the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, B.Sc. combined degree in Microbiology/Chemistry and Microbiology/ Biochemistry.
In addition, service courses are offered to students in other areas of Biological Sciences, Medical Sciences, nursing sciences, nutrition, Agricultural Sciences and Health sciences