Political Science

Profile of the Head of Department -Dr. Ibru Famous Okpako

Dr. I. F. Okpakoearned his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)). Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (P.hD) in Political Science degrees, from the Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. He has taught for about a decade at the Edwin Clark University, and researched in areas of Domestics and International Politics. Dr. Okpako is versatile writer who has authored/ co-authored cutting edge articles published in local and international scholarly journals.

About the Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science at the Edwin Clark University is one of the founding Disciplines in the Faculty of Humanities, Social and Management Sciences (FHSMS) which came into being at the inception of the University in May 11, 2015. The department became formally operational since then with a view to realising the mission of the University: “Nurturing of knowledge targeted towards addressing the developmental challenges of the Niger Delta in particular, and the wider global community as a whole”.

Students in this Department are allowed to work within a framework of an integrated interdisciplinary programme, which allowed them to offer university – wide courses called General Studies course, coded (GST). While students are obliged to offer essential courses in their disciplines, they are still advised to take a few elective courses outside their department, but within the Social Science discipline.

It suffices to note that the Department started from its inception to teach students and carry out research in Political Science with a view to award degrees in the subject. The Department is also responsible for the teaching of the relevant Political Science courses in the allied disciplines within the FHSMS faculty. The programme of Political Science in the Faculty is therefore billed to cover eight semesters in four years programme and is designed primarily for students entering the University through the University Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).


Philosophy of the Programme

The philosophy and mission of BSc. Political Science programme is to produce graduates with a critical mind, requisite ability and skill to analyse, comprehend, predict and influence the factors that shape and mould power relationships in an ever-changing socio-political environment in a globalizing world.

The Objectives of a Degree Programme

The main objectives of the undergraduate programe in political Science are to:

  1. provide training in the principles of political science and their application to the type of degree programme concerned – political economy, public administration or international relations;

ii.       stimulates the students intellectually through the programme, in such a way that they appreciate social problems;

iii.      provides a solid foundation of knowledge about the workings of society and its institutions and develop the skills for the constructive use of such knowledge;

iv.      develops in students, the ability to apply the knowledge to the resolution of societal problems and conflicts;

v.       develop in students, such skills and competency that would allow them to be self reliant and entrepreneurial;

vi.      provides the students with necessary skills for studying and analyzing society;

vii.     provides the students with the skill-base from which they can proceed to higher studies in political science;

viii.    produce students who can carry out fieldwork, collect data and analyse these in a coherent manner, as well as engage in comparative analysis of one political system with others: and

vix.      imbue in the students a deep appreciation of the political dynamics of society and the impact of this on wider socio-economic development and societal wellbeing.

Admission Requirements

There are two levels of admission into the Political Science Programme:- UTME and Direct Entry.


Candidates for admission into the four year degree programme should possess a Senior Secondary School Certificate or General Certificate of Education  NECO or their equivalents with at least five credit passes obtained in not more than two sittings of which three must be Government or History plus English Language and Mathematics. An acceptable UTME score is also required.

Direct Entry:        

Candidates for direct entry into the degree programme in Political Science should possess five credit passes in the General Certificate of Education NECO, Senior Secondary School Certificate or their equivalents, three of which shall include Government or History, English Language and Mathematics.  In addition, candidates must possess credit passes in three relevant subjects at the advanced level in the General Certificate of Education or its equivalent.

Learning Outcomes

a)       Regime of Subject Knowledge

The Political Science programme should have the following components:

i.        Provide a coherent core of the history of political thought, political science principles and concepts and theories including issues like basic principles guiding the development of ideologies, philosophy and processes of governance.  The process of acquisition of power, the process of public administration, the inter-relationship between the different levels of government and between different national governmental agencies and between one nation and the other, the process of national wealth creation, economic production and national development, the value of institution building, the problem of security, the process of national integration and international organization.

ii.       Equip the students with knowledge and understanding of the different methods of data collection and analysis.

iii.      Enable the students to possess appropriate computing skills and adequate for functioning effectively in the digital age.

iv       Equip the students with adequate statistical and quantitative skills and the ability to apply them to the analysis of socio-economic and political issues and policies.

v.       Knowledge and understanding of political science methods

vi.      Knowledge and ability to discuss and analyse public policies generally.

Competencies and Skills

The product of political science training should have the following competencies and skills:

i.        general and specific intellectual skills including literary information processing skills;

ii        interpersonal skills such as communication skills;

iii       conceptual framework skills that help in good decision-making;

iv.      competence in the use of Information Technology;

v.       subject-specific and transferable skills which allows for the pursuit of wide range of careers after graduation;

vi.      reasonable level of competence in statistical and quantitative methods.

Behavioural Attributes

A graduate in Political Science who has achieved the threshold level should be able to demonstrate:

i.        Knowledge of political science principles and concepts;

ii        Knowledge of political science theory;

iii.      Knowledge of appropriate research methods;

iv.      Reasonable and appropriate computing skills;

v.       Knowledge of political science data and the appropriate methodology for analyzing them;

vi.      General knowledge in critical areas of political science;

vii.     Creativity in appreciating socio-economic and political problem, because social problems can usually be solved in a variety of ways; and

viii     Apply critical Political Science reasoning to problem solving.

Attainment Levels

Since  B.Sc degrees in Nigeria  are  graded  from  first  class  to  third class Degree Levels;  it  is  crucial  that  procedures for  the  attainment of these classes  of  degrees  are clearly spelt out.

Accordingly, procedures used in  all  Political Science  Departments  for  arriving at   students’ attainment levels or for the  assessment  of  students’ achievements in Political Science should correspond to the Knowledge, abilities  and  skills  that are to be developed through the 4 year  degree  programme. It  is  therefore expected that evidence  is provided on  which  the  assessment of students’  achievement  [and class of degree awarded] should  be  based,  by  using  the  following  criteria, among others:-

  • Continuous Assessments and “unseen” examination 
  • Tutorial  performances
  • Problem  solving  and  experiential exercises 
  • Oral  presentation,  as  in  seminars  and  conferences 
  • Planning,  conduct  and  reporting   on  project  works  
  • Essay  assignments   given  on  regular   basis 
  • Literature   surveys  and  evaluation   in  examination 
  • Demonstration of skills in relation to conceptual analysis,problem  identification   and  solving,  numeracy,  computer and social skills.
  • Ability to transfer skills to appropriate practical situations.
  • Extent to which the knowledge  base  of  students is  extensive  and extends beyond the  work  covered  in  the  degree  programme.

Career Opportunities

Most professional political scientists work in colleges and universities where they teach, conduct research, and write articles and books related to their specific research interests. Political scientists also work in policy-related think tanks, privately funded organizations that conduct and publicize research on public policy issues. Political parties and survey-research organizations frequently employ political scientists to design and interpret opinion surveys. Businesses employ political scientists to provide information on the political contexts in which corporations operate. Governments employ political scientists as assistants to legislators, as staff members of administrative departments, and in international organizations such as the United Nations (UN),  theAfrica Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West Africa States(ECOWAS). Some political scientists become politicians or journalists, amongst others which may include:

  1. serve as administrative officer in Government ministries, Departments and Agencies and similar offices in inter-governmental(IGO) and nongovernmental organisations(NGO);
  2. enlist in the Armed Forces, Police and other related professions as the Customs and Immigration;
  3. serve in ministry of Foreign affair,  as External affairs officer;
  4. can be recruited to teach in secondary and tertiary educational system; as well as
  5. Political Correspondent to media firm.