1) Mandatory drug and alcohol test for every returning student as follows:
DAT test (Drug Test & Alcohol Test respectively)
2) Application for Re-admission of matriculated students & freshmen
3) Sworn affidavit by retuning students not to participate in:
a) Any demonstration, riot or Edwin Clark University unregistered group related
activities or belong to prohibited groups.
b) To be of good behavior all through the period of their studies.
c) To be held liable for any action (s) and any intended/unintended destruction of
properties on campus and/or environs.
4) Payment of restitution for personal and University properties destroyed in the sum of
Two Hundred Thousand Naira only (N200, 000. 00) per student in one installment or
two equal installments.
5) Application to resume studies for 2024/2025 session post the Riot of 26.01.2025
6) Application for accommodation in Edwin Clark University Halls of Residence (Students
7) Signed undertaking to be of good/exemplary behavior and to abide totally by all rules
and regulations.
8) Undertaking that no prohibited item (s) has been brought into ECUK (anyone found
with prohibited item (s) will not be allowed to resume into the campus).
First semester Examination were scheduled three weeks to the forced holiday.
It will now hold three weeks after the resumption that is from 1st March, 2025 of
each level in a staggered manner.
All students carrying over lower level courses should please take note and
intentionally prepare for such examination(s).
Kindly check the detailed examination time tables that shall soon be uploaded on
the ECUK website (
When in doubt at any time, contact the Registrar by Phone call & WhatsApp
on 08075282884; OR Email –;
a. Specified documents will be filled and signed before returning to school (6 sets plus
the original copy in a resumption folder)
b. Drug test (DAT) must be carried out in a Federal Medical Centre or State Medical
Centre or Federal University Teaching Hospital and State University Teaching
Hospital with the original result brought to school on resumption.
c. All original copies of the documents and DAT with at least six (6) photocopies should
be submitted at clearance point on resumption in a Resumption folder with student’s
residential detail, name, course, level, and matriculation number. - SMOOTH RETURN TO ECUK
The below are the procedures for clearance on resumption:.
a. Security: Students are to be cleared with their identification card/payment receipts of
restitution charges at the security post before they proceed to the next point –
b. Bursary: Students are to be cleared of their restitution payment before taking the
next step
c. Biometrics: This is the next step after Bursary and it is to regularize their biometric
details on the ECUK database.
d. Health Unit: This is for the validation of the DAT results submitted. Any student
who fails the drug test validation will exit the school at once. The student must go for
rehabilitation/counseling and comeback with a clearance from the
rehabilitator/counselor before proceeding for a re-validation at ECU. Also, the student
upon return on campus shall undergo compulsory counseling sessions with the
University Chaplain upon resumption.
e. Students Affairs: Students are to proceed to the Students’ Affairs unit for
comprehensive checks of their luggages and other personal effects for due clearance.
Any prohibited items found will be removed and handed over to their guardian/parent
or thrashed. Parents are to exit the school immediately their wards have been cleared
at the Students’ Affairs unit.
f. Hostel Accommodation: Students are to proceed to their hostel for allocated room
and bed space. No student is permitted to change his/her bed space or room. Any
violations has dire consequences.
g. Course Registration: students are to complete registration of courses within day one
(1) of arrival on campus.
All students must carry out drug test (DAT) and return with the original result
before they can be allowed into the University.
There shall be consequences for the presentation of any faked results.
All students must observe decorum and adhere to instructions during the clearance
and throughout their stay in the University, they must abide by all rules, regulation,
and matriculation.
Any student that fails to produce all the required documents will not be allowed to
remain on campus.
Any student that fails drug test validation must exit the campus immediately.
All parents/guardian should remain sited and wait for the clearance of their
children/wards at the first HSMS classroom or any other designated area. No
parent/guardian will allowed to go beyond the classroom or designated area.
There shall be a continuous interaction (questions and answers with the VC and
principal officers during the waiting period) for at least 1 hour each day and/or as
maybe possible.
All porters are to be at the hostels to receive students and ensure students are
accommodated strictly in the allocated room and BED SPACE; any violations shall
result in disciplinary actions.
There shall be consequences for any violation of any item in this procedure.
To generate a Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) for payment, follow these steps:
- Login to Remita payment Platform: - Click “Pay Edwin Clark University”
- Select the relevant options and fill in the necessary information.
- Submit the form to generate the RRR
- Take the Generated RRR to any bank with Remita facility
- Credit theEdwin Clark University account with the following details:
(a) Account Name: Edwin Clark University Trustfund Rehab
(b) Account Number: 1229486781
(c) Bank Name: Zenith Bank Plc, Ugheli Branch
(d) Obtain/Print an e- receipt - Ensure the Payment e- receipt has the following details:
(i) Name of Student (Surname first)
(ii). Matriculation Number(Returning Students)/UTME Registration
Number(100 level students/freshmen)
(iii). Level
(iv). Faculty/Programme
(v). Amount Paid - Make six copies of the Original Invoice/Receipt
- Include it with other sets of documents in your resumption folder ready to
submit upon arrival on campus
Option II (In case you have challenges with the Remita platform) - Walk into any bank hall
- Credit the Edwin Clark University account with the following details:
a. Account Name: Edwin Clark University Trustfund Rehab
b. Account Number: 1229486781
c. Bank Name: Zenith Bank Plc, Ugheli Branch
d. Obtain a receipt/teller - Ensure the Payment the receipt/teller has the following details:
(i). Name of Student (Surname first)
(ii). Matriculation Number(Returning Students)/UTME Registration
Number(100 level students/freshmen)
(iii). Level
(iv). Faculty/Programme
(v) Amount Paid - Make six copies of the Original receipt/teller
- Include it with other sets of documents in your resumption folder ready to
submit upon arrival on campus
Any payments that violate the detailed procedure shall be discountenanced
Strictly adhere to this payment protocol
Option II is only provided because we’re onboarding ECUK for the very first
time unto this very flexible, robust, and secured digital platform
When in doubt at any time, contact the Registrar by Phone call & WhatsApp
on 08075282884; OR Email –;

D. A. Urhibo
Cc Vice Chancellor
University Librarian
Deans of Faculties
Ag Dean of Students Affairs
Hall Supervisors
Notice Boards