Any other irregular item deemed fit which is not prohibited by the University must be checked and
approved before usage. Other items not on this list but qualify as contrabands may from time to time be
prohibited. Kindly download the list below.
I, [Student’s Name], of [Address], do hereby make oath and state as follows:
- I am a student of [Name of Institution], studying [Course/Programme].
- I have been a student of the institution since [Date]
I shall abide by all rules and regulations of Edwin Clark University, Kiagbodo and its constituted
authorities. - I shall not be a member of any unregistered prohibited association or group.
- I will henceforth always conducted myself in a manner that is consistent with the core values and
principles of Edwin Clark University, Kiagbodo all through the period of my stay in the University. - I will be of good and exemplary character, and shall respect the School’s authority at all levels, fellow
students, and institution and private property within the University and its environ. - I will not participate in any riot and/or demonstration all through the period of my stay in the
University. - I shall be held liable for any intended and/or unintended act(s) of wanton destruction of University
and/or personal property within the University or its environs.
I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the
provisions of the Oaths Act.
Signed at [Location], this [Date] day of [Month], [Year].
Signature: __________________
Declared before me this [Date] day of [Month], [Year].
Commissioner for Oaths/Notary Public:
Signature: __________________
All Parents/Guardians shall witness/countersign this with their children/wards upon arrival at